Butterfly black gold
Butterfly Black Silver

Butterfly Gold/Silver



  • Butterfly Black Silver
  • Butterfly black/gold


An elegant clutch for casual and special occasions.

Size: 18/32 cm. (8/13 inches)
How to wear: in the hand or on/across the shoulder (a long adjustable handle is provided).
Leather density: medium density.
Lock type: zipper.
Inside: one compartment and one zipper pocket

The item is complimented  with charming removable pendant.

When ordering, you can choose the desired combination of colors, according to your preferences.

Remember that the bag we will make is going to be slightly different from the item presented in the pictures. That’s because our bags are fully handmade, and leather is a natural material. Every piece of leather has its individual color and texture; the leather stock is continually changing.

We offer free standard worldwide delivery.

Wipe with a clean, dry cloth.

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