About Us

Diana Ulanova’s Studio is a private workshop where bags and accessories from natural materials are created according to individual sketches.
From the source of inspiration to the performance itself – everything is done by hand, both by the author and the hands of studio masters. Each model is created by the author’s technology.
Inexhaustible source of inspiration for the designer is nature itself, its lines and textures, lively forms and color harmony.
The studio produces collections in small editions, as well as individual orders. Handwork, careful and attentive approach to details, quality of European manufacturers materials, exclusive accessories, individual approach to each client, manual labor and soul, invested in each model – all this distinguishes bags and accessories created in the workshop of Diana Ulanova.
The author of accessories and bags, designer Diana Ulanova, is an artist by her basic education. For a long time she worked as a fashion designer. The author opened her private workshop, where unlimited fantasy is embodied in beautiful handmade created bags.

Diana says:
“I am primarily an artist, while creating each image I am driven only by inspiration. Therefore, we do not release seasonal, planned collections. Now, in the era of industrial design, the majority of things produced by global brands are designed primarily to solve ergonomic tasks and be economically beneficial for manufacturers, so maybe, looking around, we see an environment devoid of individuality, emotions and spiritual content. I want to create things emotional, complex, lively, with my bright character.
So nature has become the main source of inspiration. The harmony of forms and colors, plastic and asymmetric lines – all this has already been created by nature, you just need to see and transfer the image to the object.”