Modern Blue
Modern Blue Silver
Modern Light Blue

Moderne Blue


Availability:  PRE-ORDER

  • Modern Blue
  • Modern Blue/Silver
  • Modern Light Blue


A small bag for casual occasions.
How to wear: in the crook of the elbow or on the shoulder.
Size: 20/30 cm (or 24/39 cm as an option). Useful space 16/25 cm.
Leather density: increased density.
Lock type: magnetic button.
Inside: one compartment and two pockets (zipper and non-zipper).

When ordering, you can choose the desired combination of colors, according to your preferences.

Remember that the bag we will make is going to be slightly different from the item presented in the pictures. That’s because our bags are fully handmade, and leather is a natural material. Every piece of leather has its individual color and texture; the leather stock is continually changing.

We offer free standard worldwide delivery.

Wipe with a clean, dry cloth.

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1 review for Moderne Blue

  1. 5 out of 5

    nkgodfrey2002 (verified owner)

    This year I had the opportunity to order several purses from this website as well as the etsy store. The materials are high quality and the customer service is exceptional. I was worried about shipping but my orders have consistently arrived and I have confidence ordering from this store. I appreciate the time Lana spent helping me customize some of my purses and look forward to ordering more. The picture shows the purses I have ordered including the spectacular Moderne handbag.


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